Test and Tag Course

Who Should Attend

Individuals who wish to become competent in testing and tagging of electrical equipment in accordance with the Electrical Safety Regulations 2013. This may include persons involved in the building, construction, maintenance, manufacturing and service industries.

What will I learn?

This unit covers safety testing of electrical cords and cord connected equipment. It encompasses safely, using portable apparatus tester, identifying faults, applying tagging, arranging for repair of faulty equipment and complete testing documentation.

Am I eligible to undertake this training?

You do not need to be a licensed electrical worker to test and tag certain electrical equipment. However, all participants will need to have adequate numeracy and literacy skills to undertake the theory and practical assessments.


At the completion of the course participants will be able to:

  • explain relevant areas of the Electrical Safety Act and subordinate legislation
  • identify the type of equipment required to be inspected and tested
  • explain the facts about electricity
  • prepare to test cord assemblies and cord connected apparatus
  • test cord assemblies and cord connected apparatus
  • tag tested cord assemblies and cord connected apparatus
  • document testing activities



Choose your Outcome! *

This course may be undertaken as non-accredited training, where you will receive a Statement of Attendance at the end of the day. For non-accredited training, you will not be required to do any further assessments, other than those on the day.

For those who would like to undertake accredited training and receive a Statement of Attainment for the two units of competency, there is an assessment to undertake prior to course attendance, as well as an assessment on the day.

*Price remains the same whether you choose accredited or non-accredited training, however please note the non-accredited price is inclusive of GST and the accredited price is GST exempt.

**Please note if you are undertaking this training under funding, you must do the accredited training, as CSQ will not fund non-accredited training in this subject area.


Non-Accredited Training

This course may be done as non-accredited training. You will still be able to undertake Testing and Tagging at home and for your workplace, and be deemed a ‘competent person’ with the non-accredited course, as you will be assessed on the day. You will receive a Statement of Attendance at the conclusion of the training.

As mentioned above, if you are doing this training under CSQ funding, you cannot choose this option, and must do the accredited training.


Accredited Training

For those who would like to receive a Statement of Attainment for the two units of competency associated with this training, you will need to do one assessment prior to enrolment, and then a second assessment on the day of the course.

The unit UEECD0007 Apply work health and safety regulations, codes and practices in the workplace is a pre-requisite, which must be completed on-line prior to attendance in class. Please note you will be enrolled in the non-accredited training if you do not complete this unit prior to the Test and Tag course.

The second unit you will receive once you successfully complete the course will be UEERL0003 Conduct in-service safety testing of electrical cord connected equipment and cord assemblies.


Course Venue and Equipment

This course may be conducted in our training rooms in Cairns, or on-site at client premises. Where courses are conducted on-site then a suitable venue and white board are to be provided by the client company. The venue shall have sufficient tables and chairs for participants to be seated comfortably for the duration of training. Any catering costs shall be borne by the client company. Please contact us to discuss alternate arrangements if there is any difficulty in providing these facilities and equipment.


Additional Costs and Expenses

Where the training is conducted outside the immediate Cairns area then additional costs will be applicable. Any airfares, travel, accommodation, meals and materials freight incurred in the provision of this training will be on- charged. Please contact us for a formal quotation for courses conducted outside of Cairns.

Where consideration needs to be applied due to cultural, language, literacy, numeracy or other special needs, extra time will be allowed to ensure participants receive sufficient supported training. This time will be charged at our standard rates.


How to Book an On-Site or Dedicated Course

Contact our office to book an on-site or dedicated course for your organisation. Dates will be scheduled at the time of booking.


How to Enrol in a Public Course

Review our website or contact our office for the latest course schedule and enrolment form. Email or post the completed enrolment form back to Total Management and Training, along with payment. Please advise on the enrolment form whether you would prefer accredited or non-accredited training, and whether you will be accessing funding. 


Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to undertake specific training to become a competent person?

Yes, you must have acquired through training, qualifications, experience or a combination of these the knowledge and skill enabling you to inspect and test electrical equipment.

The nationally accredited training recommended on the Electrical Safety Office Queensland’s website is:  UEERL0003 Conduct in-service safety testing of electrical cord connected equipment and cord assemblies.

Although this course is recommended, you may choose to undertake the non-accredited version of this training, in which case you are not required to undertake the pre-requisite unit, and you will receive a Statement of Attendance.  Both options are acceptable to become a 'competent person'.


How long is the training, how much, and what do I receive at the end?

The training course is one day, costs $300 (GST exempt) with TMT and at the end you will receive a Statement of Attainment for the unit of competency UEERL0003 Conduct in-service safety testing of electrical cord connected equipment and cord assemblies if you are successful in completing the assessment and practical tasks and undertaking the pre-requisite unit assessment.

If you only wish to undertake this training, and not do the pre-requisite self-paced study to receive the accredited Statement of Attainment, please advise staff on enrolment.  The price remains the same, however you will receive a Statement of Attendance at conclusion.

What can I do with my new competency?

This course allows you to test and tag equipment within your own organisation. To test and tag outside of your organisation, you will need an electrical license. Please contact the Electrical Safety Office with regard to licensing. 


Do I require a contractors’ license to test and tag in my own household or workplace?

No, you do not require a contractors’ license to undertake testing and tagging of electrical equipment at home, in your own business, or for your employer.  You simply need to have undertaken the appropriate training.


I want to start a small business Testing and Tagging.  What do I need to do?

You will need to undertake appropriate training and apply for a contractors’ license.  The license may be applied for using Form 18 which can be downloaded from ESO’s website:     

The license will be restricted to Testing and Tagging only.

How much is a restricted electrical contractors' license?

The license fee is around $400 last time we checked.

What do I receive with my restricted electrical work license?

You will receive a card with a license number.  The license must be renewed on an annual basis.


Do I require special equipment to be able to test and tag?

Yes, you will require a Portable Appliance Tester (PAT), and in some instances an RCD Tester.  These may be purchased from most electrical suppliers and range from $500 to $1500. 


Where do I buy compliance tags and out of service tags?

These may be purchased from most electrical suppliers.  Larger hardware stores may also stock durable tags.  100 tags costs approximately $25-$35.


Can I test and tag for other businesses without a contractors’ license?

i.e.  I’m employed as the test and tag person for a construction company.  Can I test and tag sub-contractors’ equipment if they are working on our construction site?

No, you cannot test and tag for a sub-contractor.  You may only do so on your own equipment, or your employer’s equipment.


What are the testing intervals for each industry?

The class of work determines how often specified electrical equipment and safety switches are tested.

See link here to our testing interval table - Test and Tag - Testing Intervals.pdf

For construction work, refer to AS/NZS 3012 Electrical installations – Construction and demolition sites.

For all other work, refer to the Electrical Safety Regulation 2013.

Equipment that fails testing should be immediately taken out of use and a durable tag must be attached warning people not to use the equipment.

If the equipment is safe you must attach a durable tag which shows when the next test is due.


Need more information?

Contact the Electrical Safety Office, Registration and Licensing Services, Department  of Justice and Attorney-General.

Phone:  1300 362 128         Website:  https://www.worksafe.qld.gov.au/licensing-and-registrations/electrical-licences 



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