Fire Safety Adviser

Fire Safety Adviser

In July 2008 new Building Fire Safety Regulations were introduced into Queensland. These regulations require the appointment of a Fire Safety Adviser for high occupancy buildings.*

* High occupancy buildings include any of the following:

  • Class 2, 3, 5, 6, 7b, 8, 9a or 9b buildings that are workplaces where 30 or more workers are normally employed.
  • Class 2 or 3 buildings that are more than 25 metres in height.
  • Class 6 or 9b buildings that the commissioner has decided are at risk licensed buildings under section 104KD of the Fire Service Act.

The new regulations represent a significant increase in obligations for managers and occupants of buildings, specifically in relation to appointing Fire Safety Advisers, evacuation training exercises, maintenance of safety installations, evacuation signs on doors and walls, evacuation routes, written emergency management plans and record keeping.

Program Overview

The Fire Safety Adviser has a responsibility to:

  • be familiar with all aspects of building fire safety
  • provide advice to the occupier to ensure that appropriate emergency planning has taken place
  • provide advice to the occupier to ensure that appropriate instruction is carried out at the prescribed times and intervals

This program is designed to equip participants with the skills and knowledge needed to assume the role and responsibilities of a Fire Safety Adviser.

Course Objectives

  • Understand the role and responsibilities of the Fire Safety Adviser
  • Develop an understanding of the Legislation pertaining to fire safety
  • Identify fire safety installations/equipment in a building
  • Develop an awareness and understanding of maintenance and records pertaining to fire safety
  • Develop risk management strategies
  • Understand the emergency planning process
  • Understand the role and responsibilities of emergency control organisation members
  • Understand the role and functions of the emergency planning committee
  • Operate fire extinguishers
  • Conduct and evaluate evacuation exercises and fire drills

Dedicated Course Delivery

The Fire Safety Adviser course is both theoretical and practical in structure. Training is conducted in the classroom over a period of three consecutive days for those who book a dedicated course delivery. You will be required to perform practical activities throughout the duration of the course, which include a series of simulated evacuations. You will also be producing high level documentation and completing risk assessments and asset registers. Not all assessments will be able to be completed during the three days, therefore there will be a component of after course assessment work.


Online Study

For those undertaking the online study option, you will be required to complete questions and assignments, as well as provide us with recorded evidence of conducting a series of evacuation simulations, as well as simulating the use of fire-fighting equipment. Please note the units within this accreditation range from Certificate III level through to Advanced Diploma, so please ensure you have a good grasp of the English language, and can produce professional documentation.


Units of Competency

  • PUAFER001 - Identify, prevent and report potential facility emergency situations

  • PUAFER002 - Ensure workplace emergency prevention
  • PUAFER003 - Manage and monitor facility emergency procedures, equipment, and other resources   

  • PUAFER004 - Respond to facility emergencies
  • PUAFER005 - Operate as part of an emergency control organisation     

  • PUAFER006 - Lead an emergency control organisation
  • PUAFER007 - Manage an emergency control organisation
  • PUAFER008 - Confine small emergencies in a facility

Can previous study and experience be taken into account? (RPL)

Yes, your history of study, skills and experience can be taken into account but it must support the performance criteria set out in the units of competency. Documentary evidence and interview will be required.

What will I receive at the conclusion of the course?

Participants who demonstrate competency by passing both written and practical assessments will receive a Statement of Attainment for the eight units of competency. Refresher training is required every three years to maintain the Fire Safety Adviser accreditation.


Course Venue & Equipment

Where courses are conducted on-site then a suitable venue, data projector (or TV monitor with HDMI input) and white board are to be provided by the client company. The venue shall have sufficient space for the participants to be seated comfortably for the duration of training. Any catering costs shall be borne by the client company. Please contact us to discuss alternate arrangements if there is any difficulty in providing these facilities and equipment.


Additional Costs and Expenses

Where a dedicated course is delivered outside the immediate Cairns area, additional costs will be applicable. Any air fares, travel, accommodation, meals and materials freight incurred in the provision of this training will be on -charged. Mileage and traveling time will be charged at our standard rates. Please contact us for a formal quotation for courses conducted outside of Cairns.


How do I enrol in the course?

You may enrol in online, self-paced study to gain your Fire Safety Adviser at any time. Simply click on the enrol now button to download an enrolment form. Fill in the details and email the form with payment to email/admin)(totalmantra.com.au.

How do I book a dedicated course?

A group course may be booked for your organisation, for up to 10 participants. Please contact us if you would like to schedule a course. Dates will be scheduled at the time of a signed booking approval, and will be subject to trainer availability.



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